A change of tack this week. My story.

It really started out in my opinion as one of the more disciplined weeks so far in the Trump reality show presidency. In fact my favorite source for news, CNN was beginning to drive me nuts with the Kavanaugh reporting. How could we spend an entire week interviewing the same folks, asking the same questions 20 hours a day. It was almost like the hurricane never happened. Also another mass shooting happened at a Rite Aid distribution center barely was able to be stuffed in between Kavanaugh bullshit. I understand that they don’t want to give mass shooters a platform, but maybe you are not making enough of a fuss. These things seem to happen weekly, and nobody bats an eyelash. I don’t get it. You Americans and your guns baffle me. But I digress.

I am going to switch gears a bit and leave my interest in US Politics behind this week. I want to start with a little background on myself. I worked in the printing industry for 33 years, and while not always loving my job, the majority of my time I loved doing what I did. I loved the guys I worked with as well and have forged lifelong friendships with many of them. Despite being their boss, and not always making decisions they agreed with, they were always respectful, and as each one of them were let go for restructuring, they always stayed in contact. In 2017, my turn finally came to be “restructured”, and with all honesty it was a welcome arrival. Or so I thought. I was able to negotiate a very good package, and quickly move on. I decided that I would take the rest of 2017 off and planned a nice road trip to Florida with my family. We planned everything down to the minute, and actually were part of the mass evacuation on September 7th that year. It was an adventure getting home, but also something I would not trade for anything. We met some great people who were fleeing their homes and not sure what they would return to after Irma hit. Such resiliency in all of these people from Florida, Georgia, North, and South Carolina bugging out for their life, but wishing us a safe journey, even though I knew I was going home to a place that would not be touched by a hurricane. Ontario, Canada is not a hurricane hotspot.

In January of 2018 I decided I would start looking for a job in an unfamiliar field, and I spent a few months spinning my wheels to nothing I could bank on. I then hooked up with a print industry head hunter, and was interviewing with them in a week, and they were lining me up with a job a few weeks later. During the time between the interview with the head-hunter, and being set up to interview with the company, my life took a major U-Turn.

I had taken a FOBT test which tests your stool, my sample came back as abnormal, and within a week I had a colonoscopy, and a diagnosis of rectal cancer. I have to tell you once you get a diagnosis like that, your life kicks in to high gear, and you are assigned a team of doctors. I was lucky enough to end up at one of the best cancer centers in our country, at Sunnybrook’s Odette centre. I went through a blurr of tests and meetings which were all overwhelming, but luckily my wife was at my side for every moment and was able to keep asking the right questions, and keeping every appointment scheduled for me to attend. In mid May I had an operation called an illiostomy, and two weeks later I would begin chemotherapy, and like I said it was all a blur. I should mention that in September of 2017 I weighed 240 lbs, and by the time I began chemotherapy in late May of 2018, I had plummeted to 160 lbs so I was only a shadow of myself and very weak. Fast forward to September of 2018, and I have had 8 chemo treatments and have gained back 27 lbs. Personal victory for me, and in no way am I looking for sympathy from anyone, but this explains why I can spend many hours through the day digesting Trump news, and their were some days the news cycle would change 4 or 5 times, and I became hooked on Trump and his absolute misunderstanding of how to “President “. So my life tragedy of a cancer diagnosis revealed a major passion for US politics.

So again, regarding this week, I was just getting to the point that I could not listen to the same rhetoric over and over arguing the same statements over and over, and listening to Kelley Ann Conway actually sound like a living breathing human, and the president almost act normal for the week, I had another blow to my life, that was veiled in somewhat good news. I had a CT scan done on Tuesday this week to see how the chemotherapy is progressing, and on Thursday of this week I got a phone call from my oncologist. They had done a chest scan as well as the rest of the torso. He called to tell me that the primary tumor had shrunk, and all lymph nodes had shown shrinkage too, which is great and what I was hoping for. After only 8 chemo treatments, there was noticeable reduction in the tumor and nodes. But then he quickly changed gears, and told me that my lungs were not showing any tumors, nor anywhere else, but the CT scan showed that I had an acute pulmonary embolism in my lung which required me to drop everything I was doing, and immediately head to the hospital. I would now have to give myself daily injections of anticoagulants, and had to go into the hospital to learn how to do this to myself. This was crushing to me, and I admit I fell apart a bit. A bit of self pity came over me, “ I cant deal with more shit” “ don’t I have enough on my plate” comes to mind. I am not a big fan of needles, and have something installed in my chest subcutaneously called a port that all my chemo runs through, and they take blood from too. Helps keep your veins from collapsing, so having that took a lot of stress away. Now I will have to inject myself daily in the stomach or thighs. Yikes!!!! Like I said, overwhelming and crushing, but necessary if I want live, as PE’s can kill you if not treated.

Today was the first day I soloed as my own nurse, and I woke up this morning, and dreaded having to do this all day. Today I met some friends and went up to Orillia to an executive airport to plane spot, sand have lunch and hang out, and the whole time while I was having fun, I could not stop watching the clock, t minus 4 hours, 3 hours etc, running in my head. Finally at home later the time arrived, and I honestly didn’t know if I could do it. I cleaned the area on my stomach, took the cap off the syringe, pinched a fold of skin, and sat there. Looking at this needle no thicker than a hair, and I was paralyzed with fear. I’m thinking to myself, a grown ass man frightened of a tiny needle. My wife was there and is my biggest cheerleader, so with a few encouraging words, and a countdown, in went the needle, an lo and behold, it is not a big deal. The medicine burns a bit, and continues to burn for a few minutes after, but I did it, and quickly realized that I had spent 2 days in abject fear about something ridiculous, that I thought was going to be a daily fear for the next few months, or longer. Sometimes a little perspective can help, and my wife told me, remember there is always someone out there worse than you, and there are millions of children out there that will have to do this their whole life. At that point you realize she is right, I have a minor speed bump in life, they have a major hurdle for life. Its eye opening.

Again, I am not looking for sympathy from anyone, but wanted to share with you how I became do interested in politics. And by the way the GOP really needs some perspective when it comes to the Kavanaugh, Blasey Ford hearing, and give this woman the respect she deserves, and allow an investigation into this. She really has nothing to gain and everything to lose. After all, when an alterboy comes forward with allegations of sexual assault 35 years after it happened, no one questions him. Why is Christine Blasey-Ford different?

Thanks for listening.

September 8th to September 15th

This week in Trump started out very quiet and he spent most of the weekend quoting people who spin in his orbit. First Lou Dobbs, who used to be a serious journalist, but has given up and drank the Fox kool-aid, telling us all that no one has done more for the country than DJT. Economy booming, blacks living like never before, blah, blah, blah. Also quoting Jason Chaffetz, who hasn’t had an original thought in his life. Also spending more executive time to the duo Diamond and Silk, who constantly laud him at any cost. Just to put some perspective on the stupidity, if you speak nicely about Trump, you get rewarded with free advertising, while a major storm is on it’s way without mention. And what the hell do Diamond and Silk actually have to do with anything??? He also tripled down on his ongoing tariff bullying, telling powerhouse manufacturers Ford Motor company, and Apple that due to the cost of the tariffs that they could simply move their manufacturing back to the States. I don’t think he understands that it costs tons of money to re-tool in another country. It is something that someone who claims to be a genius in business should be able to understand. He is blinded by his own stubbornness.

He of course had to take a shot at the NFL, as again there was peaceful protest of taking a knee or fist in the air, so of course the president of the United States had to post ratings. Apparently viewership is down 13% over the last decade, all due to this. He never fully investigated what could be the true story. Just to be clear, it was really only Kaepernick that started this, and not a decade ago, so I would imagine that the decline in cable channel viewership is due mostly to people dropping cable, and moving to streaming services. But that does not support his narrative.

A little shout out to Kim Jong Un on the 70th anniversary parade, that they didn’t show off their nukes. Had to give Kim’s little willy a rub for that and tell everyone how much they like each other. Trump seems to be the only one who doesn’t see he is being played. He is so mesmerized by these autocratic and corrupt regimes.

Monday morning he once again tries to create history without fact checking anything as his brainless followers will swallow anything. First time in 100 years that GDP is higher than unemployment rate. First of all, records that are based in fact only factor back to 1948, and the GDP has been higher more than 60 quarters in the last 70 years. But why bother with facts when your mouth breathing followers will buy your lies. Whitehouse actually walked it back, saying it should have been 10 years, so sounds like a typo, but anyone with a brain knows that if it looks like a lie, smells like a lie, it’s a lie.

Many more days of putting the Woodward book down saying the Whitehouse runs like a machine and claims reports are not true. I don’t know how many machines have people bugging out constantly, and if not bugging out, they are being indicted for something. It is a machine that runs on bullshit and crime. Woodward does have tapes but prefers not to publicize them unless absolutely necessary. There would be a lot of people with egg on their face if they are brought out.

Trump started to think about the storm and actually was helpful to state and local leadership supporting their concerns that people heed the warnings that this was a gamechanger of a storm. Many tweets to show that he was all over it, so things are looking up as he is focusing on this like a laser.

September 11th, the 17th anniversary of the attack, a very solemn day for all Americans, that are still deeply affected by this could not have started worse. First thing the moron tweeted about was no evidence of collusion, but they have evidence that Hillary colluded. Nice start dickhead. Then he was off to Shanksville Pennsylvania to the flight 93 memorial, where he exited air force one and made the most inappropriate face and double fist pump to the crowd at the fence. He is just so tone deaf. He agonized over a prepared speech, that you could tell he wanted to go off on a tangent to laud his accomplishments. He showed some restraint and stayed on message. I do wonder why he didn’t go to the memorial in New York city, is it maybe because he has supporters in Pennsylvania, and protesters in New York? Makes sense to me, go where you are loved. He is just so sad!!
Then on Wednesday he shit the bed in the worst way. He randomly tweeted that the report from GWU on the deaths related to hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico of 2977 fatalities was a lie concocted by the Democrats to make him look bad. He had previously said that he had been given an A+ for the efforts his administration had shown in Puerto Rico. I’m not sure who gives the grades for disasters, but doubt there is anyone. Of course he had to attack mayor Cruz for her poor leadership also as she is a latino female, so perfect for him to pick on. This actually caused some blowback, even from some Republicans, but none of them were very pointed. Mostly just softball comments from a bunch of spineless planaria. God forbid you blast Trump, as you will be next on the list. I found it incredible that after the tweet regarding Puerto Rico, that he became less combative in his tweets, and the have focused more on the ongoing rescue efforts, and how well prepared FEMA and his government is. Again more support from shithead Lou Dobbs, supporting the claim that the 2977 fatalities are false. He must be on Trumps payroll, as he is the only one pushing that narrative.

As of Friday evening only comment from trump is that he loves the Cajun Navy, even though there have been 5 confirmed deaths from the storm. Trump must be concocting a story on how to blame this on Obama.

I wish all the people in the path of Florence in the Carolinas that they are safe and sound wherever the are, and if you chose to hunker down in your home, that the wind, rain and water does no damage. Be safe everyone!

The week of September 1st to September 8th.

The week started on a very somber note with the funeral of John McCain continuing at the Washington cathedral. Eulogies by Megan McCain, Joe Leiberman, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, were all very genuine, personal, and heartfelt glimpses into an incredible life of service to the American people. It was hard to not shed a tear at the genuine love for this man. Of course they each injected a jab at the current administration, and Megan’s anger came through stating that “America has no need to be great again, America has always been great” really stood out as the quote of the week. She is obviously very hurt that her father was treated so badly by Trump in the waning days of his life, that she had to get that out. It would have been easy, and respectful of Trump to ignore the statements of grieving friends and family, and give them some space, but even though he was golfing at his club, he couldn’t let it go. He had to tweet “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” as a thin skinned self defence. Even though he doesn’t need to be an asshole, he cant help himself.

Over the long weekend for labour day, he continued to golf and tweet about anything that crossed his mind. More on Hillary, and how if you are attached to her in any way, you can get away with murder, which Trump surprisingly has not implicated her in yet. I’m sure he will save that for later. More bullshit on the Steele Dossier etc. You could almost feel that the Bob Woodward book that was going to start releasing snippets from was looming large in his mind , and he was starting to lose it. He knew that it would be bad. He attacked Trumka, the leader of the AFL-CIO as a Dem, and he did poorly on television, as that is what is truly important to this knucklehead. He heaped praise on Tiger Woods, for his kind words about the president, like Tiger could say anything else, and is probably bound by an NDA, due to the joint effort building another Trump golf course in Dubai.

Tuesday began a week that would quickly become a category 5 hurricane, that started with the Senate judiciary committee to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. This came in tandem with the release of some parts of the Bob Woodward book. It was all the media could do to cover both, as the Senate hearings became a political shit show. Horse were spent delaying the hearing with dozens of questions being asked by Democrats, and the gallery one by one getting ejected for disrupting the proceedings. What I saw looked like the Republicans had all the power, and the Democrats looked childish. I am sure they will push Kavanaugh through no matter what. If the shoe was on the other foot the Republicans would be apoplectic at having 42,000 pages of documents dumped on them the day before, and being expected to have all of them studied and processed for the next day. Eventually the hearings took flight, and they proceeded as you would think. I watched two days of softball questions from Republicans and tough questions from Democrats. Realistically I learned absolutely nothing of substance from any answers, and he dodged most bullets without harm. While all of this was going on the rest of the coverage was about the released quotes from the Woodward book. A lot of stuff was not very surprising, other items were enlightening. I think that the frightening part for the Whitehouse was that this book was by an extremely credible author, instead of the likes of Michael Wolfe, or Omarosa, which both were shot down as either made up, or just the writings of a disgruntled ex employee. Woodward’s name carries credibility. The fact that it is a daily shit show was not that groundbreaking, but finding out that people like Gary Cohen felt the need to remove letters from the presidents desk in the interest of national security was shocking. The quotes from Kelly, and Mattis, about Trump having the intellect of a 5th or 6th grader, and Trump being a fucking moron, are not surprising, as they have been quoted in the past saying similar things. Of course they released a quote from Trump about poor old Jeff Sessions, he was “mentally retarded “, and a “dumb southerner”, which I’m sure if any of this gets out to his base, may push some away from Trump. Alabama loves Jeff and are rightly proud to be southerners. Most of the base do not care what Trump says or does, but I am sure there a few out there that will not be happy having a silver spoon yankee pick on their native son. The Whitehouse took to the different media platforms in the afternoon to of course tell the world that it was all fake news, made up by an actual Pulitzer prize winning author, and that Bob Woodward was a hack journalist. It all rings so hollow now as it is used daily by them. Oh lordy, this time there are tapes to back up all the interviews. I can not wait to purchase the book next week, as apparently they haven’t released the really good stuff.

Wednesday was spent refuting all claims in the book as false. He tweeted no less than 10 times about the subject, and had several of his staff release formal letters saying it was all untrue. The most untruthful administration in the history of the world saying it’s all a fabrication. It is just way too much, and watching Trump, he really looks like he is unraveling. Then to pump things up to category 5 shitstorm, a New York Times op-ed came out from a high level member of the Trump administration. This seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. This made him crazy, and he couldn’t pass a microphone or camera without spouting off about the “gutless coward”. The anonymous person basically told the world that Trump is detached from reality, has no understanding of foreign policy, nor does he care, is unfeeling, and undiplomatic. He is not fit to be president, and that this person is working from the inside to keep the administration from imploding and the orange buffoon from entering the nuclear launch codes. In my opinion, noble, but would carry more weight if this person would come out of the shadows, resign, and give the op-ed some tangible credence. Let someone else inside keep the ship right. Trump demanded not me letters from all surrounding him in the Whitehouse, and at last count, the number was up to 29 of his toadies, and minions. All letters had to be printed and delivered to “dear leader” , as I’m sure he is checking each one off his list of suspects. Something to keep in mind you bonehead Donald, Mark Felt swore he was not Deep throat until his death in 2005, so people are not always forthright with their statements of innocence. As I’m sure Trump knows, lying is very easy. Trump even used a ceremony recognizing state and local law enforcement to spot off about this, and not surprisingly the Republican law enforcement officers, got all lathered up and hooted and hollered for him, attacking the fake news again. These officers should be reprimanded for showing partisan support, of the paranoid ramblings of a failing president. Seeing law enforcement take a partisan side, especially one ensconced in hatred, really gives one a better understanding of where Colin Kaepernick is coming from, and the other NFL protesters. There really is two layers of law enforcement the correct and proper rule of law, and the bash their heads in law that these ass clowns feel they are entitled to dole out. Very sad, but true.

Thursday, more Kavanaugh hearings, more of hedging, dodging and waving, with little more insite into the man. He can remember the punctuation on some documents, but cant recall important meetings. A little insite on his understanding of reproductive sciences, calling birth control abortion inducing drugs? Plan B, does not allow fertilization to take place, so not really an accurate description. He is a catholic, some some latitude given, but to sit on the highest bench in the land that presides over such rulings as Roe v Wade, you better do your homework. Of course on the Trump trainwreck, there was rumbling of the 25th amendment again, but let’s face it, there is not a chance Pence, or Congress will ever enact that on their own leader. The don’t have the intestinal fortitude. Trump is off to Billings Montana for another one of his circle jerk rallies. This time he really appeared to be medicated, and twice he tried to pronounce anonymous, but came out as amonymous. I think his aides are slipping him meds in his diet cokes before he gets off the plane, so he doesn’t come off as unfit.

Friday, has been a bit calmer, as he has spent the day on the move, going to 2 more circle jerk rallies in South Dakota, where I’m sure, he’ll spout the same shit as yesterday. We did get to see Obama speak on behalf of the democratic party today, and boy do I miss his uplifting speeches. It is interesting if you split screen Trump, and Obama, it is enlightening, uplifting, sense of good and positive from Obama, and dark, fearful threatening lies from Trump. It truly is night and day. Trump now wants Jeff Sessions to start an investigation into the anonymous person for treason in the op-ed even though nothing of national security was leaked. Again his pettiness overtaking common sense, so I’m sure Sessions will once again ignore the morons request. Trump of course could not help himself on stupid comments regarding the ongoing NAFTA negotiations, telling us that he could be the ruination of Canada if he feels like it, and pulls the deal. Will be interesting to see if Congress will allow this. Canada is still the enemy to him, and Kim Jong Un still is held in the highest regard. Sad but true.

Hope you enjoyed, we can look forward to another category 5 week next week, I’m sure.

Take care.

Just found this link to report in sheriffs that were at the Whitehouse.


Introduction, and week of August 25th.

Blog post #1

Just a quick note to introduce myself, and explain how I got so interested in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. In the fall of 2015, my mother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and was not given a time frame to live. I made a promise to myself that I would spend every Saturday with her until the end. Every Saturday we would have long talks that would eventually turn to all things Trump. We both realized that we could not stand anything about him. My mom’s final hour started on November 7th and I swear she hung on until November 9th until the results came in, then she passed away, I am sure very disappointed that Trump had won. That is the absolute truth. After that I have been hooked on any and all things that this poor excuse for a public servant is involved in. I am not by any stretch of the imagination an expert on U.S. politics, but have clear opinions on them. I hope I can bring some entertainment and a little clarity to the weekly onslaught of the utter madness of the Trump administration.


Week of August 25th to September 1st

The afternoon of August 25th we learned of the passing of Senator John McCain, and the memorials and condolences came pouring in from all over the world. Of course there was utter silence from the White House as the President is so petty that he could never bring himself to without serious pressure write or tweet anything positive about a true American hero, because he did not drink the Trump Kool Aid and push his agenda. Shortly after midnight of the same night the flag on the white house was returned to full staff, as the knucklehead has not passed a proclamation to continue half staff flight. He just cant do the right thing. You could tell that when they finally got to him by evening that best he could come up with was nice words to the family, but nothing of the Senator. He spent the day on twitter blathering about Hillary and any other distractions he could come up with.

On Sunday he still had not signed the proclamation to lower flags, and that took all day, as I’m sure he needed lots of prodding. He spent most of the day telling us about Hillary and how there was big news that the FBI had ignored all of her crooked emails, and it was big news that no one was reporting. The reason it wasn’t being reported was it was of Trumps own creation, and the FBI soon put out a clarification tweet that ultimately said there was no evidence to that claim. Again trying to change the news cycle as he was not the star of today’s show. John McCain was stealing too much thunder. He continued to tweet some obscure polls that had him at 52% popularity and how he had created the greatest economy since the great depression, but nobody was biting, and most news services were focused on a true American Hero that had given his life to public service, instead of a grifting draft Dodger who was busy winning bowling trophies, and avoiding STD’s instead of serving his country.

Monday was the announcement of the U.S. and Mexico trade agreement. Started out quite funny as Trump obviously had no idea how to use the phone system on his desk, hey it’s been 18 months and these things are tricky (sarcasm). Finally, he connected with Pieno Niete and had a long on time, short on details conversation. He never seems to be able to tell the public any details, but just says it is good for both, and everybody worked hard and late and blah, blah, blah. If he were pressed for details he could not give any as he just doesn’t understand. He also took a quick shot at Canada, saying that we may not be able to reach an agreement, even though the Mexican president made several references to it. Of course much later on Trump once again talked about how Mexico is paying for that wall, which of course the Mexican foreign minister had to rebuff again, saying in no uncertain terms that they would never pay for that wall. Still though, John McCain dominated the news cycle and I am sure it was driving him nuts. I think the fact that George W. Bush, and Barack Obama would be giving eulogies for McCain is really chapping his ass too, as this man is such a colossal asshole, that he has been banned from 2 funerals in less than a year. Says a lot about his character.

Tuesday was the Florida and Arizona primaries. No surprise in Florida’s GOP nominee, as he is a big Trump hugger, but big surprise on the Democratic ticket. Ron Gillum was the big winner and listening to him talk he sounds like a very level headed, common sense kind of guy who has a bright future in politics. The GOP nominee DeSantis, sounds just like the rest of the new Trump party, even bringing a little racist dog whistle into the equation. They just cant control their dislike of people who are not like them. Of all the words this guy could have chosen, such as mess this up, or mix this up, he chose “monkey this up”. Does not even make sense. Martha McSally won the GOP primary in Arizona thankfully knocking out that Space cadet Ward , and the felon Arpaio, who somehow managed to pull in 20% of the voters? Should not surprise me as voters in Alabama came close to voting in a child molester. Oh yea, and this is the day that Trump decided Google has set up their search engine to only show negative results when his name was searched. I automatically see Humphry Bogart in the Cain Mutiny rolling the balls in his hand saying “ who ate my strawberries” with that level of paranoia. Trump just thinks this way and has no basis of truth, which is just irresponsible. If that wasn’t enough, now he claims that Hillary’s emails were hacked by China! Thanks Hannity for that bullshit nugget. Once again FBI has to straighten things out again. Must be exhausting!

Wednesday, Trump spends the day regurgitating reports from the mothership Fox News, and mostly Tucker Carlson. I don’t know how Fox gets away with it. Obama spys on rival presidential campaign, Hillary paid for Russian Intel to use against her government. These people are out of government and have nothing to say about the current administration, but unless Trump has an enemy that he can use to rile up his base, he is not happy. As long as he can get them chanting “lock her up” he is golden. Also warned the public, if you see something published with anonymous sources, ignore them as fake news. Shortly thereafter puts out statement without any sources. Also announces via twitter that Don McGahn will be leaving his team of White House lawyers, of course not telling McGahn in person, as that would require balls. All the while John McCains funeral retains the majority of the news coverage again drawing major ire from Trump who just doesn’t understand that the countries love of that man could leave him in the shadows.

Thursday was a little more somber as John McCain was laying in state in Phoenix, and had some beautiful words spoken about him from a diverse group of people. None quite so eloquent as former Vice President Joe Biden. Listening to this man speak of his lifelong friend did not leave a dry eye in the house, but he also brought some humor to the occasion. It is obvious they had a special bond, who understood one another, and had each others back. This is something missing from Congress for a long time, civility, and understanding that your beliefs are in the best interest of your party, and does not make you mortal enemies. When debate is done, you can go and have a meal together and enjoy each others company. Listening to Joe Biden speak was like poetry, as that to me is how a politician should speak. Clear and to the point, not word salads that Trump strings together, that will not let him complete a thought. For a guy who went to the best schools, he can not get an entire thought out of his head. Oh how I miss the clear, strong, powerful, and positive speeches of Barack Obama!. Trump continues to rail against the fake news NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and lauds Fox news.

Friday again, Trump aims to sabotage NAFTA negotiations with Canada as he does an interview off the record with Bloomberg, that end up giving the story to The Toronto Star, saying he will not accept any deal that the U.S. does not come out on top of. In my opinion, he does not want a trilateral deal with Mexico and Canada, so that we in Canada can remain his foil, and he can continue to blame us for everything that goes bad in his farmland he needs an enemy for his base, might as well be Canada . I really hope Chrystia Freeland does not give in, and as of late Friday afternoon, it sounds like things are falling apart. Looks like they will continue next week.
. Wow, I made OFF THE RECORD COMMENTS to Bloomberg concerning Canada, and this powerful understanding was BLATANTLY VIOLATED. Oh well, just more dishonest reporting. I am used to it. At least Canada knows where I stand!
That is the latest tweet from the President.

This is actually a rather low key week for the administration as there were no court cases or big Joe ups this week. Manafort trial #2 coming soon, an Carl Bernstein’s book being released next week which seems to have Trump a little worked up.